It is my pleasure to welcome you all to this important conference which was convened to interact with newly appointed Squadron Commanders across the 67 Mobile Police Squadrons in the Nigeria Police.

2. Prior to your mobilization as Squadron Commanders, Officers of the Rank of CSPs and SPs hitherto held sway in all the respective Squadrons. But in consideration of the increasingly complex internal security challenges which have widened the responsibilities of the Police Mobile Force, it was considered expedient to review and standardize the status of Squadron Commanders. This informed the upgrade of the rank of Squadron Commanders to Assistant Commissioners of Police.

3. This is part of the broad re-organization plan envisioned for the Police Mobile Force and it is aimed at strengthening the command and control framework of the Mobile Police Force towards positioning them to respond more potently to the dynamics of crime in the country. This is considered within the context of the renewed offensive by the Nigeria Police against the heightened threat of kidnaping, armed robbery, banditry, cattle rustling, communal clashes and terrorism. As you assumed full leadership of your Squadrons, you will all be expected to draw on your vast operational experiences towards supporting other detachments of the Police in undertaking special operations to mitigate these threats.

4. I am aware of the challenges within the Squadrons as these have been a subject of discourse within the Force Management Team. I must assure you that the enhancement of the operational capacity of the Special and Tactical Units of the Force is atop the prioritization scale of the current Police leadership dispensation. Consequently, no stone will be left unturned in our commitment to addressing challenges that are currently inhibiting the optimal operational capacity of these Units. Our efforts at this direction shall be made manifest in due course.

5. In the interim, the following represents actions that are informed by the need to restore the Police Mobile Force to its original operational mandate: i. Regularization and Standardization of PMF - Our primary responsibility as Police Force is to ensure the safety of the citizens. In doing that, it is imperative to standardize the deployment of PMF. A situation where a single individual who is not qualified and has no authority to move about with PMF escort for his or her protection is found enjoying such individualized and specialized police protection is no longer acceptable. We must ensure justice and fair treatment to all citizens by way of giving more attention to the protection of the general public. As such, you should remain guided by this new Force Policy in the manner you deploy your personnel. ii. Training: - Commanders must embark on local training so as to prepare their men for the challenges ahead. The Squadron Commanders; 2i/c Squadron Commanders, as well as Unit Commanders Combat Operation training will, henceforth, be given topmost priority so as to enable the Force contend with the various security challenges and give the right orientation to you all in meeting the complexities and risks associated with your specialized duties. iii. Attack on Personnel on Special Duty: - The rate at which personnel on special duty lose their lives and weapons to criminal elements is of grave concern to us. While framework for deployment shall be reviewed with a view to addressing gaps that occasion this, I must warn you as Commanders, that it remains your responsibilities to offer the appropriate supervisory control on your personnel to ensure that their level of alertness while on duty remains high at all times. This is in order to prevent unanticipated attacks on police personnel under your command. You shall, henceforth, be held vicariously liable for any such attacks that result you're your supervisory negligence.

6. On this note, I congratulate you for your appointment as Squadron Commanders and trust that you shall justify the confidence reposed in you by demonstrating high-level of professional capacity, courage and sacrifice which are the hallmarks of the Police Mobile Force.

7. I wish you a fruitful deliberation and God's protection on you all as you settle into the task of leading the Police Mobile Force to strengthen our nation's internal security.

8. Thank you and God bless.​